Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Feeling accomplished!

Today was our Wednesday Hooking day. I completed my flower pillow. Its pressed and ready to be backed. I've added some binding tape with cording. I now need to find a backing for it and I'm thinking a grey or a sage green. I like how it looks....hope you like it also.
I'm looking forward to some comments.

 This second picture really does not show up the detail as much as i would like. Oh well I think you get the idea.
 Things are going pretty well but sure will be happy when this week is over.

gotta run..............A Bientot!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A little cheering up will help!!!

Last September I registered for a rug hooking retreat out on Star Island.
As soon as i heard about it i knew i had to attend. For probably 30+ year my husband and i had a boat out on Great Bay NH and we would often jut out to the Isles Of Shoals roughly 7 miles off the coast of NH. We would acnhor there to swin, sun bathe and just take in the magnificent view. I had never stepped foot on the Island. This was my big chance. I started to research the Isles, Star, Smuttynose, Appledore, Malagar, Cedar, White and another I can't remember the name. also Thomas L. Laighton and Celia Laighton Thaxter. After my research I knew i could not pass up this opportunity. I have fallen deeply in love with this Island with all its history. I can't thank Pam Bartlett the organizer of the retreat enough. it has brought me so much joy and peacefulness. I am so grateful for the life i have and i don't take any of it for granted so to be able to add this trip on was such a wonderful gift.

This September there is another retreat scheduled.....I will do all I can to be there again!

As I was flipping through some of these photos today I decided I would blog a bit about them. We've had a bit of a "bump-in-the-road" as they say and am sure that things will return to normal in no time but these photos brought me some joy. I hope they do the same for you as you flip through them.

This picture below was taken coming out of the guest room cottage that Cathy and I stayed in. Yes, I agree....the simple life.....beautiful.

I found this sight to be quite entertaining.....anxious to hear your comments.

These next two photos are 2 of the ladies i met....and i hope we now have a bond that will keep us friends for a long time. We could not have asked for a lovelier group of ladies to spend our time on the island with.
I hope you enjoy these as much as i do. I have more photos and will post at a later date. I'm hoping that I can gather all these photos and put them in a book like shutterfly.

               A Bientôt.......


Not Going to Over think it!

So much going on right now. Not really. Hello! Welcome! Happy you're here. I guess you could say I'm not a dedicated blogger..howeve...