Sunday, February 25, 2018

From the Heart!

After popping back here for a look
i realize my last time was when i was when i was getting
ready to head back out to Star Island.
My Gosh! What a magical place!
Leave it all behind and reflect on all the good in my life!
I am so blessed to have my "Roomie" by my side.
She will never know how much her friendship means to me!

Speaking of friends, I feel that I have made life-long friends from this new
endeavor of mine. RugHooking has introduced me to such wonderful ladies.
Aside from being Creative, Artistic, Talented, they ALL are
very giving, caring and sharing with both ideas and their time.
You know who you are ladies!!

A picture of a few of us visiting Cushing's after our return

 from Star Island retreat.

I have so many wonderful pictures from our retreat i only wish i could
add all of them.

This is The Art Barn and at some point I would love to hook it.

Also at some point I would love to make a photo book of my
time spent at this retreat.
So much to do so little time! Ha!

Well its time once again to Au revoir!
Merci and Thanks so much for stopping by.
I hope to hear from you as your comments are much appreciated.

A Bientot!

Not Going to Over think it!

So much going on right now. Not really. Hello! Welcome! Happy you're here. I guess you could say I'm not a dedicated blogger..howeve...