Well here I am again. I hope you can sit with me a while so I can babble.
Before I go any further I must let you in on the surprise I received this morning when I checked my phone ...this was playing with a message.
Rod Stewart- Have I told you lately that I love you. Oh my! Imagine my joy. So throughout the day I went back and played it over and over. I hope I did this right when I added it here so you could listen to it as well.....enjoy! Oh! You want to know who it came from? Well....I think I'll keep you guessing....you can let me know what your guess is. Hehehe.
I don't know about you but it seems that's what my life is about. Start off waiting for my first cup of coffee. Wait for the news hoping that there are no skyrocketing cases of the virus. That's not happening. So now we wait for news regarding the vaccine..... and wait till we can receive it. Its such a waiting game.
Oh wait! Today we were able to sign up for the vaccine....yippee! Of course here comes another waiting period but with positive outlook. We anxiously wait.
Actually at times there are exciting things to wait for. Like little Ellie sitting by the door waiting for her friends to come back in so they can hug and kiss 💋 her and cuddle with her. Well I am doing the same...waiting for when my Son and Daughter with grandkids can be with us so I can shower them with hugs. Its been so long since we've been together. I tell you this Covid shit is getting real old! Oops, Excuse my French. Lol!
Being in the "Chat" room texting with my friends someone was baking bread.
You know how I am about that so I thumbed through recipes and came up with another recipe for Anadama Bread..this one sounded wonderful.
I knew we were having beans on Saturday so what's better than Anadama bread to go along with. Waiting you ask?...yes waiting as the smell permeates through the house. Waiting till I can slice into it and slather it with butter or honey butter. Actually my newest taste pleaser is raw unfiltered honey. If you have not tried it nby all means do so.
Its a shame you can't smell this.
As I come to the end of this post remember to check your snail mailbox for happy mail...no telling who may received one next. I was pleasantly surprised with a happy mail package from a very generous friend...some lovely watercolor cards.
Beautiful and Thank You again Ms SB.
Now I bid you Adieu and hope your time with me was relaxing.
Looking forward to your comments....till the next time.