Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Driveway garden.......???

Hey....I'm back and here to welcome you. I'm thrilled that you're along with me on this journey. At times i feel as though you are my sounding board or that you are my therapist. I can go on with my ranting and it'snot costing me a dime! Gotta love it. Ok so I'm getting a little better at this Covid19 BS. My anxiety level not quite as bad. Still too many questions  and not enough answers. Last week while down on the beach ( for the first time) this woman who is employed by the town to help educate people about rules & regs regarding do's and don'ts came walking past us. My daughter tells me i should apply for that job cause "Mom you love talking to people!" That may be so but i saw No One stopped her to ask questions!!! And I'm not convinced that she has the answers either.  Just walk on by!
Oh wait!!! I think that's a song.
So this top photo is what is called 
Cow manure driveway garden. Yup hubby plants this every year and for some reason this year is growing like crazy...
A few different varieties of tomatoes and cucumbers...those tall things at the end are horse radish. As for MY you go....
yup..1 little grape tomato. Now don't be jealous. Lol.
So about this heat and humidity! I'm about over it. We have been spending lots of time in the "carport " its the only cool place around.

Not a bad place to be! Also spending time in the water as the water temperature has been in the 70's. Tried getting back up on the paddleboard and pretty happy to say i did it! Didn't get on last year because of injuries......don't ask.
Here i am showing off my skills.  Not my board but its a beauty. We are keeping it here for a cousin.
A couple days ago we had an impromptu visit from a couple of very good friends.  Had not seen them since before all this mess. It was such a welcome surprise. Had lots of laughs and walks fown memory lane.
So i will leave you now and say once again how thankful i am for being here. So appreciative. I look forward to your let me know you were here.. 
A Bientot. are a few pictures i'd like for you to identify..
can you nsme this?
Tell me what you think these are.
Good luck!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

To weed....or not to weed....?!

Happy Wednesday y'all!!!! Wait i'm a New Englander.....not from down south. Nonetheless thanks for popping in and sure hope you're having a great Wednesday. So now that I have you ear let me whine a while. My day started off in a slump. When i say i want my life back...I mean it....when i say 2020 sucks....i mean it
I really miss my Daughter and my Son.
My grandkids that i want to hug till it hurts.
My favorite SIL and my special friend JSA.
I miss my Roomie and my VT friends oh so much
and my favorite Hookers.
Today was not a good day.

Enough with that.
How pretty are those sun flowers in the Ball jar?
They were given to me by a friendly neighbor.
Thank you so much MK.

I've been playing with my camera a bit and I'd like to share some
pictures I've taken.

My neighbor's hydrangeas

Bald Eagle sitting on post.
I thought I could enlarge it but

My horseradish.
Will be a good bounty.
If any of you want some plants let me know.

A cucumber leaf.

Tomato going to be yummy!

Marigolds in Hubby's garden.

My neighbor's yard.

A Bee sitting on the blooms of my
hens and chickens.


Today I received a lovely gift in the mail
from a dear friend.
A bunch of assorted daylillies.
That sure did turn my day around.
Added some left over coffee grounds as well as ground egg shells I've been saving.
I am fascinated with daylillies so i am really looking forward to growing these.
Wish me luck
I was absolutely thrilled to get a glimpse of my favorite little one. Showing me her reaction to blueberry picking . Lots were picked with her sisters.
Gosh i hope posting this pic is ok since i didn't ask permission. 
This and other pics made my day!
Thank you so much JSA.
Ok so let me explain the meaning behind the blog subject.
To weed.....or not to weed!
On my deck I have a big pot with grape tomatoes growing in it.
Hubby went over to water it and noticed that "weeds" were growing around the stem so he's doing a nice thing by pulling them All UP!
Well little did he know i had planted more mesclum seeds around the base.
Yup! All gone!
It's the thought that counts right?
 Gotta run....would love your input. I see that 64 of you read my last post but only 6 comments.
Please let me know how I'm doing.
A Bientot. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

And the tradition continues......

Happy 4th of July everyone. This year's celebration were certainly different than those of the past. Without family gatherings there were no cookouts. No little ones in the jayaking or paddleboarding  for the grand kids. Just not the same. Hubby and i did spend some time on the water in the boat and another day in our kayaks.
Always so peacefully quiet on the water and nature's gift to us. 
Yes the tradition that started many many years ago still carried on this year as well.(without realizing it) and came as quite a surprise.  As a child i loved eating lobster and spending my birthday at the beach. My Mom would always buy me a lobster for my celebration. As i grew older then married my husband would follow suit...then my son and daughter would do the same. My son one year bought me a 14 lb! It was delicious...when my daughter married how happy was I to not only gain a wonderful son-in-law BUT a Lobsterman. That's right we would celebrater with buckets of lobsters.
So this birthday was going to be a quiet one until my wonderful neighbors sent guessed it LOBSTERS, steamed clams and corn on the cob. This old lady was one happy neighbor/friend. Love my Ma%$&@ole friends..thank you again.
Other than that what else is going on? I purchased my first daylillie plant....yellow Stella d'oro.  I love her
She's in a pot right now but plan on planting her along the fence in the fall.
My other plants, hens and chickens are doing great and starting to flower. 
Not sure i've seen that before.
They are in "tuffa" pots that i made and winter outside. I'll keep you posted. 
Coming to the end i want to say Thank You from the bottom of my heat to those of you here with me.
A Bientot 

Not Going to Over think it!

So much going on right now. Not really. Hello! Welcome! Happy you're here. I guess you could say I'm not a dedicated blogger..howeve...