Tuesday, July 7, 2020

And the tradition continues......

Happy 4th of July everyone. This year's celebration were certainly different than those of the past. Without family gatherings there were no cookouts. No little ones in the water....no jayaking or paddleboarding  for the grand kids. Just not the same. Hubby and i did spend some time on the water in the boat and another day in our kayaks.
Always so peacefully quiet on the water and nature's gift to us. 
Yes the tradition that started many many years ago still carried on this year as well.(without realizing it) and came as quite a surprise.  As a child i loved eating lobster and spending my birthday at the beach. My Mom would always buy me a lobster for my celebration. As i grew older then married my husband would follow suit...then my son and daughter would do the same. My son one year bought me a 14 lb lobster..wow! It was delicious...when my daughter married how happy was I to not only gain a wonderful son-in-law BUT a Lobsterman. That's right we would celebrater with buckets of lobsters.
So this birthday was going to be a quiet one until my wonderful neighbors sent over.....you guessed it LOBSTERS, steamed clams and corn on the cob. This old lady was one happy neighbor/friend. Love my Ma%$&@ole friends..thank you again.
Other than that what else is going on? I purchased my first daylillie plant....yellow Stella d'oro.  I love her
She's in a pot right now but plan on planting her along the fence in the fall.
My other plants, hens and chickens are doing great and starting to flower. 
Not sure i've seen that before.
They are in "tuffa" pots that i made and winter outside. I'll keep you posted. 
Coming to the end i want to say Thank You from the bottom of my heat to those of you here with me.
A Bientot 


  1. How lucky you are that your daughter married your favorite food source provider. Happy Independence day and glad you enjoyed the lobster.

  2. I have several Stelladoro plants I love them. Yummy on the lobster and happy birthday roomie. Yes I miss my old lice a lot! But my gardens never loomed better. The dog is Ashley 's they were camping. She is safely home with our sweet B. Glad you have been out on the water a great way relax.

  3. I am always amazed how your plants look so beautiful. I just cannot keep anything alive..I do love my bleeding hearts (I wouldnt know they were called that if it wasnt for you) but clearly I, personally dont keep those alive..mother nature waters them haha. So happy you enjoyed your lobsters and we cant wait to eat some together outside :) Keep up the good work wit this blog, love it :)

  4. We have a bunch of late June/early July birthday here and ALSO celebrated with Lobster! We don't have them very often, but always very special when we do!

  5. Happy Birthday Donna, sorry I'm late by a week! What a nice surprise by your neighbors, lobsters are such a treat. I enjoy all the pictures of your plants, and your boating excursions in your own back yard. Hope you and Mike are well and enjoying that summer is finally here. XO


Not Going to Over think it!

So much going on right now. Not really. Hello! Welcome! Happy you're here. I guess you could say I'm not a dedicated blogger..howeve...