Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Nap Mats and doll clothes.......

     Since the last time we spoke a lot has happened. I know I mentioned doing some  renovations on the "Teeny tiny" house and yes the work has begun. Hubby and I have gone right in and started some of the grunt work and I have to say it was fun. I love tearing things apart.
Here is how the bathroom looks before we really get started. It's really a small one and I'm so anxious to give it a little space. Surely the guests will also.

So clearly things are coming right along. Who would put purple paneling under sheetrock in a bathroom. Yikes!!!  
Enough about the construction site...I'd much rather talk about my latest craft projects. Right now it's all about sewing. I just finished a couple of Nap Mats for my two little "Pre-school Princesses". Their Mom called and asked if I could make them a blanket cause they need them for when they take naps. After doing a little research I came up with some really clever ideas.
Check out some of these sites:
This is where I found my inspiration.
then I went on to find a tutorial on
here is where I got the idea for adding the pleated ruffle.

The girls are coming up tomorrow and I'm so excited.
I sure hope they like them. I'm thinking that these could be cute
Christmas gifts for the other little ones in the family.
Well any comments you have would be appreciated.
Now for the other sewing projects I have are
clothes for dolls.
Last Christmas Hubby bought me my own American Girl Doll.
The little ones love to play with her and the other dolls so I decided to start
making some clothes for them.

Sure hope you liked my blog.....I look forward to your comments.
Love hearing from you.
So till we meet again....Bon Soire.
PS. After previewing this post It seems a little lengthy..
sooo sorry for that. 


Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'm Back......

I feel so bad I've not had the time to get back to this. Summer has been so busy for me and hubby but now on our way back to somewhat normal. Our season has come to a close and now it's time to get some work done on our "teeny tiny house". Our major concern is trying to get the bathroom so that a person can actually fit in there. But we're also doing other renovations as well. Maybe next year we could extend our season a little longer.
This is from our dock and I never get tired of this peaceful. Of course it adds so much when the tide is high.....when it's's real very little water.
What a beautiful sight this cousin and his wife who came to visit with us. I so enjoyed seeing him again after about 30 yrs. and finally getting to meet his wife.....what a wonderful lady. I really enjoyed getting to know her. Hope they return next year.

This is the two brothers (cousins) racing the kayaks....still in competition it seems! This was a friendly competition though.
      Enough about I'm back to my crafting...didn't fill all my "tufa" pots yet...I think I'll save that till next summer but will surely make another batch and get rid of the remainder of the Portland Cement before it cures in the bucket and I can't get it released.
     For now my latest projects are making clothes for American Girl dolls and for Bitty Baby. I started by making diapers for Bitty...they turned out pretty cute. My little buddy "O" just loved them.
I will surely get some pictures of the clothes I've made so far. Also going to make a couple of Nap Maps for my 2 little buddies that started pre-school. I'm hoping they like them.

Here they are....the top one is Miss V
and the other is Miss A. How cute...they just melt my heart.
The weather has been so beautiful this week so I'm hoping that Hubby will take me for another ride on the Harley......I'd love to go up towards Holderness....see if I can spot another cousin.
That's it for now and till we meet again.....bon Soire.

Not Going to Over think it!

So much going on right now. Not really. Hello! Welcome! Happy you're here. I guess you could say I'm not a dedicated blogger..howeve...