Monday, November 25, 2013

Calling all Hookers!

Oh yes now that I've completed my first hooked project it's on to the second one. One of my friends gave me a couple of patterns that she had set aside and decided that she was not going to make perfect. It's a wonderful print by Encompassing Designs .....of course being new at this I knew nothing about it. I then went on to Google it and Oh my my! A whole new world has opened for me.!

The top shot is how the owner made it up....not really crazy bout the colors so I'm going to do something else with it...just .who do I think I am?! It'll be a challenge.
Also I've joined a Hooking group and went to my first meeting...what great fun, lots of really nice ladies. Because it's late in the year we were not privy to the fact that they were all bringing in Hooking articles to decorate a Christmas tree that would be on display at a tree lighting. How cute were these....hooked tree ornaments. These ladies are so talented.

I know you can't see the ornaments too well but trust me they are great. They also added some rug hooks that were hand painted and some cut strips as tinsel with wool roving as garland. I wish I had the time because I would surely have a tree like that in my house.
Look at this beautiful hooked purse. One of the ladies at the group made this..
I think it is just stunning. That sure is a lot of work. Yikes!
I do think I'd like to attempt one some of these days....what do you think?
I would like to take this time to thank a great lady that I've met through blogging. She's sent me some terrific directions on how to use "red dot" fabric used for drawing your own patterns on foundation fabric. My own designs are in my future!!
Thanks so much to Millie's Mom.
 If some of you hookers are reading this I would love to know what kind of frame
you are using and why? I'm just using a hoop right now but would love to eventually
get a frame....I'd appreciate your help.
From what I understand there is a hook-in coming up the end of January
in Elliot, Me.
I've never been to one but sound interesting and am anxious to take part in it.
That's it for now...
Have a good night and sure hope to hear from you....
Till then.................

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank You for your Service............................

  I would like to take a minute to salute all those who served,
and a special Thank You to my husband who served in Viet Nam. For also
putting in for extra duty so that those with a family didn't have to.
I personally know what it was like for him returning... I was told
he was not
the same person he was when he left.
The Summer of '69 he returned was when I met him....
it wasn't till some 30 yrs later that someone who
was a guest at our Thanksgiving dinner table,
Thanked him! 
He thanked her and with a heavy heart told her she was the first
to thank him! don't think there was a dry eye at that table.
So once again thank you all so much.
Back in September I hosted a family get-together for my Mom's side
of the family.
How sad that our lives have become so busy with everyday life
and we don't take the time to re-connect with those that we
grew-up with. When we were young it seems that the whole family
would get together at our Grandparents home or one of our Aunts & Uncles.
Holidays then seemed so chaotic but gosh we had fun.
I can remember all gathering around the dinner table for
Thanksgiving and having my grandfather pick a name out of a hat
to see who would get the legs. Of course, me being me, would cry if
I didn't get it so one of my Uncles would give one to me.
How I miss those days when I got everything I wanted.
hehehehehehehe! Just kidding.
ok, so I sort of got off tract here...back to my get-together.
I think we all enjoyed seeing each other again after so much time has passed.
I can't even begin to tell you how much it pleased me and my husband
to have them all here.
I felt bad for those who could not be here with us but
they were in our thoughts. Hopefully we can continue this tradition.
So a while back I told you about the little red corduroy skirts I made for the girls.
Well, I guess they were a hit. Their Mom sent me a picture
of them wearing them when they went out to dinner.
Love those faces!
 What have these nimble hands been up ask.
I was at my daughter's house a while back and she had a new wreath on her front door.
OMG! I darn cute. I've seen lots of these on Pinterest and thought
heck I can do that but of course she beat me to it.
So off I went to Michael's to buy the metal wreath and some burlap
and Voila!
How do you like it? Comments please.
So now for my latest endeavor. Yup, that's right I now have a NEW craft.
I took a hooking class and I am so "hooked"...hehehe sorry bout that, I couldn't resist.
I really do love it.
I've completed my first project.

This is my pillow. I am so happy with it.
When I brought it back to the shop to show my teacher
she gave me an A+...and said I earned a gold star.
That made me feel good....I can't remember Ever getting an A+
for anything!!!
My plans for the next project is a Santa that a friend gave me.
It comes from Encompassing Designs Hooked Rug patterns
in Nova Scotia, Canada.
I found their website and checked it out.....oh gosh I love so many
of their patterns....I see some patterns in my future!!
That's it for now and hope I you enjoyed this post and I have not
bored you to death.
I also want to thank those of you who have been "following" me
and those who send me comments. I so appreciate you.
I feel like I've made new acquaintances with some of you and I am thrilled
by that.
Please keep those comments and emails coming.
I bid you a Good Night.......................till we meet again.

Friday, November 8, 2013

So upset!

I am so upset right now....I can't stand it. I have my computer AND my iPad open trying to post to my blog and add pictures and it won't let me do so......what the H--- am I doing wrong?......

Not Going to Over think it!

So much going on right now. Not really. Hello! Welcome! Happy you're here. I guess you could say I'm not a dedicated blogger..howeve...