Monday, March 30, 2020

STAY HOME! Stay safe!

It saddens me to think  they've had to resort to closing down the local beaches. So many people out and about! STAY HOME!
A friend on fb asked for posts that would put a smile on faces. So i went out to my garden and took pictures of what makes me smile. 
These rocks are a few I painted a while back. The sun was out that day so together i sure did smile.

I'm still doing some watercolour painting. Trying a few different ideas. I follow #creationsceecee on youtube. Her work is amazing and she is such an inspiration.
I really enjoyed these butterflies so i plan on doing more.

Gotta run now...time to get dinner going. I hope yo be back stay tuned in. ..till then....Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I love your painting those rocks are so wonderful! Keep on creating and it is sad about the beaches


Hearts all around with lots of LOVE.

Happy Day to you all! I'm a bit late with these wishes.... hope your day was sweet. Hubby still not up and about much so when I was out ...