Friday, June 26, 2020

Broccoli sprouts and more...

They had 1 day left to sprout but who is impatient? That's right i couldn't wait to give them a crunch. I gathered some mesclum greens (thx Dayle) some sliced tomatoes some sliced poached chicken (hubby's new diverticulitis diet) as well as a thin slice of extra sharp cheeze. It was yummy. I was on my way to giving them a good rinse and shake when i thought today was the day.
I didn't add very many to the jar but this time I'm going with 1 tablespoon. That will give me more than enough. Thanks again to Marie for getting me started on these.
This New Normal is getting to me more each day. Between you and I it feels as thought I'm stuck on a remote island in the middle of nowhere and  isolated from the rest of the world and no one is looking for me. I read that a visit from a Dove helps us rid the trauma stored deep within our cellular memory". (" Alternatively the Dove could be letting you know that you need to simply stop and take a few deep breaths. Let go of the turmoil that is currently surrounding you and find peace within." I sure hope that works. With that being said along came a second dove.
Now mind you I didn't have my zoom lens and they were inches away with no intention of flying off. They stayed quite a while. Reading on "A pair of Doves symbolizes peace, fidelity & love." was very calming to sit and enjoy my visitors.
In doing more research I found Karen's blog. She is known as an Animal Communicator/Pet Psychic:
one who translates thoughts, feelings and sensations of an animal...Interesting read.

On a happier note i stopped over to see my friends at the know, my Happy Place.!
Yesterday I recieved confirmation that I'm scheduled for a trail in the saddle again. Something to look forward to.
Again I can't thank you enough for being here with me. You are "mes amis" 
A Bientot.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Healthy Eating

Hello! Welcome back. Hope you'll pull up a seat and stay a while. Enjoy a beverage while I rattle on.
What? Where have I been? Funny you should ask. My computer / internet has been acting up again. It wouldn't let me post anything....i tried a number of times only to have frustration set in so I gave up. Well Yippee I'm back.
Hope you are all well and practicing safe ..........distancing! Covid 19 has me feeling like i've been riding an everlasting rollercoaster.....with ups and downs around every turn. But for now I'm on a plateau....and its good!!

Since your last visit I've decided that I must start to eat healthier. I mentioned that my Vt girl sent me a pk of mesclum seeds and there they are top photo. Actually that pic was taken last week so now they've grown more. Along with that i wanted to start more sprouts so here are my lentils sprouting away. Going to be great on my mesclun salad. Looking forward to it.
My neighbor friends M & TK were here this past weekend and she shared her broccoli seeds with me. I was thrilled.
I can't wait to taste them. Tiny tiny seeds. 
They will be ready for eating in 5 days!
I'll be sure to give you sn update.
Not sure you can call this "gardening" since all i have are potted plants on my deck. 
I sure do enjoy them. I had these rubber boots that never fit me so I planted pink geraniums in them. Love it. 
This is it for now.
Thanks again for being here.
Love hearing from you and look forward to your comments. 
Till the next time....A Bientot.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Social Distance Happy Hour!

And that makes me a happy gal!
grab a seat
grab a drink
and stay a while.
Starting to feel a bit better and getting out more.
Yes, we had a Social Distance Happy Hour
with none other than our favorite neighbors.
"Snow White" aka the Princess and her hubby and son
walked over with chair and drinks in hand. Sat roughly
6ft apart and enjoyed our visit.
Now that we feel comfortable I hope to do it again soon.

This week we plan on taking a road trip over to our daughter's
and also our son's so we can see them and the grands.
Gosh our twins will be celebrating their 10th birthday this week.
So it will be nice to see them if only through our car window.
It will kill me that a big bear hug won't happen
but to see them will make it worth the while.
Will also see my other grands and so looking forward to it.
All the kids.!
Watch out when this social distance comes to an end
because they are ALL in for
HUGE hugs.

"when a Cardinal
appears in your yard, 
it is a visitor
from Heaven"
"when a Cardinal appears
in your yard,
it is a gentle reminder
that someone you love is
visiting from heaven"

There are so many meanings and quotes
regarding the visit of cardinals.

I've had a visitor here all weekend.
Gosh! They are gorgeous and its such a joy to have them around. Here are a couple of pictures I've taken.
This guy was around all weekend.
I just love seeing their bright red plumage. I know that they usually 
fly in pairs but I have not seen the female yet...I'll bet she's just letting him
do his thing! Hum!?

The weather has been crazy...typical New England. 
A storm came through here yesterday
bringing with it torrential rain, winds and
Today was better but on the chilly side.
There are plenty of fish around...small strippers.
Loads of kids and adults fishing along the marsh.
A group up by the guard rails were all waving but at a glance
I had no idea who they were and then
I Spy'd the OxCarters.
Hey Hi there!

So what did I accomplish today? Well aside from being perched in my window
observing the birds I decided that I needed a few ornamentals
on my new bird totem.
That's right hubby got me a new post and replaced the mish-mash of driftwood twigs
I had placed their along my Rake-House for the birds, a gift from my cousin..
(Roomie's husband.)
So I made another house for my feathered friends.

The "Rope house" is what I should call it.  Hubby says i need a new double sided bird condo to sit where that top one is. He'll be right on that this week...maybe.
Well I'll leave you but want to say Merci Beaucoup for visiting. I so appreciate you AND your comments. With that said here are a couple of my blooms.
A Bientot

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Short but Sweet!

Gosh! Here i am once again. This quarantine sure has had an impact on so many ways! Welcome and thanks for your visit. 
So did i say "sweet"?! I did and was it ever! I made this strawberry bread yesterday. This recipe has been posted on fb a few times and it looked interesting. I love stawberries and had some in the fridge. It was delicious! If I were to make this again I would skip the amount of glaze they call for. Just a light glaze would be better. IMO.
Looks like i'll be having mesclun salad in no time. Good thing as all these sweets are tipping the scale. Ugh!
Look do you see all those little sprouts? Exciting.
The stripers are in. Hubby has caught a few....and the locals gather along the road side to catch a few.
Fish....i would love to make a hooked rug with fish on it. I noticed that my friend Pam over at The Woolen Pear & Red Horse Rugs has a really cute pattern .
How cute us that? I have the perfect person for this rug. Humm.

These are crazy times...don't know about you but all that's going on in this world is making me crazy emotional. None of it makes any sense to me. I am not a political person and I back away from any sort of confrontation.
I would like to share a short story with you before i end this post. Last September my husband had a fall in his garage. Fell backwards off a 4" ladder onto a concrete floor...blood came rushing from his head in pools...unconcious. I knew i could not move him so i ran to the door to yell to our neighbor. He came running over to help. When he yelled for me to call 911
 a young man from across the street heard us and he came running over with his EMT bag to help. He and our neighbor were "godsend " till the ambulance arrived. We had no idea who the young man was...had never even seen him before.
Why am i telling you this story....because both if these men work in Law enforcement!
Need i say more! Love you for being here with me. You are appreciated more than you know.
A Bientot

Not Going to Over think it!

So much going on right now. Not really. Hello! Welcome! Happy you're here. I guess you could say I'm not a dedicated blogger..howeve...