Tuesday, January 31, 2023

A continuation......

Good Morning! How could I possibly forget what I had intended to blog about!
Perhaps it was due to the martini!
Nonetheless Valentines Day is right around the corner and I want to give you a peek into a friend's festive decorations.

Yes, my friend Jeni has this lovely Valentine tree. How creative is she. I would never have thought of it but now my head is spinning with ideas....aren't you?

Would you take a piece of chocolate from this butler? Not the friendliest fellow...but heck ya! After all it is chocolate. He has his boots on, he must have just come in from the snow. Hope he does not get that beautiful rug wet. ♡♡
This rug is an example of her creations. As an avid "hooker" Jeni designed and hooked this rug herself. The writing with the background color is gorgeous. Well, what else can I say? I think everything about this picture great.
 That's it for now....hope you enjoyed this. If so...I may try to feature other rugs and designers in my next post.
Let me know what you think.
Till the next time.......

Monday, January 30, 2023

What?! A Valentine tree?!

Welcome my blog reading friends. Grab a drink and get comfy,
coffee, tea or martini! Huh! See how I did that!

So I've recently returned from a rug hooking retreat in Freeport, Maine.
It was held at the Hilton Garden. What a wonderful venue. We worked together in this great banquet room. I got to re-unite with some old friends and meet new ones. Our Fearless Leader..."Queen Nancy" did a fantastic job of organizing it and all aspects of this gathering was perfect. Gifts were exchanged as well as door prizes given daily. 
(Gift Certificates to LL. Bean) and complimentary drinks. 
Below is the rug that Nancy is working on.
It includes "Waldoboro style" techniques. I is coming along beautifully.

 This cute witch is quite sparkly.

Lovely cabin in the woods..

Did you notice those 2 are the same pattern but hooked very differently.

This lovely piece is also done in waldoboro style also.
So as you can see I was among some extremely talented rug-hookers.
This is what i was facing when ready to head home....oh how beautiful was the ride home. 14* with very heavy snow blanketing the trees.

It was a wonderful few days.  Looking forward to our next year's retreat but
Now back to reality!

I was scheduled for a root-canal that I was dreading...got myself all worked up.
Wow! I was wrong...it all went rather smooth. I was the problem.
Over the weekend we were able to have happy hour with our friendly neighbors.
Great time and lots of laughs.

Well I hope you enjoyed this little showing of these beautiful rugs.

Let me know if you were here....I appreciate your comments.

A Bientot.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Finally some of that white stuff.

Hi! Welcome again. On this chilly afternoon I did decide to kick back...feet up with a cup of hot tea.  My tea of joice today is Yogi Honey Chai Tumeric Vitality.
It's yummy.
I woke up this morning a bit disappointed as I expected to see a blanket of white. On Instagram I was reading a friend's post and she had a beautiful view out her window of a wonderful field of snow. "Luloumakes" just lives over a couple towns so I was hopeful we would get some soon.
Yeah! We did! It started out slow but in no time there were very large snowflakes. Not sure that's what we'd call them! Lol

And right before my eyes and in record time.....voila
And then
About 4" were dropped. Just beautiful.

SUNDAY, Jan. 8th
I wish the grands were still here with me to enjoy rolling around and make snow angels! What?! I'm kidding....I'd have a hard time getting up!
Speaking of the little ones the youngest was so thrilled to try out my guitar. She did great...I think she may have her own in no time.
Now look at the finger position on the frets.
My family were here to spend New Year's Day with us
in shifts. That's ok.
When they all left we called our neighbor friends to join us for some apps and  cocktails.
So so many laughs and such a great way to start the new year!
Thanks so much TK,  Mk, DT and GT.
 One last note before I say goodbye. I've been in constant contact with a relative who lives out of state, she fell and has been in the hospital for about 12 days. She broke her femur and and had surgery on her right wrist. Limited movement right now. She will be starting therapy soon and then on to rehab.
As much as we tease each other I do want to say Love You CC
And pray for a speedy recovery.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Hope to see some comments!♡♡♡♡

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The Start of something new!

For those of you faithful followers, friends and family I would like to say how proud and honored I am to have you in my life.
A very Happy New Year!

 This saying below is so true and comforting.
How wonderful to sit among you and just be me!
Sweatpants & Coffee
(Or tea)
I look forward to sitting with some of you in the next few weeks.
Happy times.

Some of you know that every Tuesday from 12 to 4 we have a group that gathers to hook.
Share our time...share laughs and share ideas and tips for our rug hooking.
If there is anyone nearby that would like to join our little group...
Please come along. If you are not familiar to rug hooking we would be happy to show you.
Contact me for more info.

Are you thrilled to have 2022 behind you?
I sure am.

Now admit it...some of you were feeling this same way. Yes, that is in the past and was swept out
with 2022!
Plans are being made for another Day of Hooking..that may become more than one day. We had such a good time at the first one why not.
Lots of ideas.. A rug show with the introduction of the Artist
"Hooked Rugs and so much More"

Well I don't want to give away all my secrets. 

Stay tuned and check back soon and I will give you updates.

Again Thank you so much for stopping by. 
I enjoy your comments so be sure to let me know you were here.

A Bien tot.

Not Going to Over think it!

So much going on right now. Not really. Hello! Welcome! Happy you're here. I guess you could say I'm not a dedicated blogger..howeve...