Saturday, April 4, 2015

Off the needles and onto my feet!

This blog post is sort of a continuation of the last one. There was a photo of me  in Acorn
-hollow's blog post where I was knitting up my socks with magic loop. I am happy to say they are now complete and am so proud of myself. I did mention that this was my first attempt right? Now I look forward to my second pair where I can adjust things a bit differently. I am not afraid to admit there are a few "holidays".
I am hoping to get some feedback here and any advice you have would be greatly appreciated. I love the colors and love the yarn....its Vanna White sock yarn...from Joann's.

Now I don't think I mentioned the yarn I purchased at the retreat.....a hank of 100% wool. I was not crazy about the color so I decided to throw it into a dye pot as I was cleaning house. Another "first" for me.....NO! not cleaning house but dyeing wool. So what to do with old wine? That's right....why waste it when you can throw it all in a pot with a bit of vinegar add the wool and Voilà ! 
Here is the original color....and it is true to color....

Here is the wine.....all reds.......
Finis....needless to say my dying skills are lacking.....oh well! At least I felt like I didn't just waste the wine!

Gotta run for now....hope everyone enjoys their Easter...and being with family. I know I will....looking forward to being with my little ones.

Till we meet again......A Bientô Joyeux Pâque.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Hooking retreat!

That's right I attended my first rug hooking retreat in Alfred Me. My girl Cathy from Acorn Holly was my room mate and partner. We had a great time. I must say I needed to do a little fasting when I got home! They certainly fed us well.....3 full meals a day...and I mean full. I think the next time I go I'll do things a little different....not eat so much!
I met some really talented ladies and made some new friends.
I didn't take any pictures but you can go on over to Acorn Hollow, she took some great ones.

Well want to wish all you followers a wonderful Easter.....Joyeux Pâque.

                                     Till we meet again......a bientôt.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Projects to recoup by........

That's right.....trying to recoup from this sinus infection. I was doing so good there for a while and so proud of myself but then I think my body just got jealous of everyone around me. That's right it seems there is lots of sickness Voila! Honestly, I don't think the infection is anywhere near as bad as the antibiotics they have me on. Lightheaded and nauseous (that's probably a good thing...I'm not hungry at all)
I'm working on a couple of projects right now. The first is my hooking....doing a poppy that will be a circular chair cushion for the vanity in the bathroom. Doing some shading and highlighting with some much needed help of my girl Miss Sarah Guiliani my teacher.

I like the way it's coming out and look forward to choosing a background color.
For my second project I am teaching myself how to knit socks...both socks at the same time....on one 
circular needle. YIKES! 
That is so intimidating but I think I'm getting it.
I love it as I do fine with the first sock but HATE having to start all over again to do the second sock.

Wish me luck.........till we meet again!
A Bientôt !

Sunday, February 22, 2015

  Gong to try this again.....

I've tried using this Blogger app on my iPad and I guess I'm really bad at it because I don't get too far with it. This will be my last try....wish me luck.

Rug Hooking......I'm in the process of designing my own patterns to hook. I hope to post some pictures here in hopes of getting feedback from you readers.

My first one is a primitive looking daisy.

Iii did do some color planning though I'm not 
Real good at primitive colors.
I have another that I'm working on but don't have a picture of it right now. A fish...salmon to be exact. I did have someone special in mind for this one. I'm also at a loss for the edging so probably going to do a couple different options.

Well...I think this will be all for hopefully I can get this published.
Good night...........a bientôt .........

Not Going to Over think it!

So much going on right now. Not really. Hello! Welcome! Happy you're here. I guess you could say I'm not a dedicated blogger..howeve...