Tuesday, October 27, 2020

No clever title ..no catch phrase header!

Bonjour! And welcome once again. No need to pour a spot of tea, a cup of Java or a drink as you won't be here long. I really don't have much to say because damned there is nothing to talk about. Its the same old complaints about Covid19 and Social distancing.....and politicians and political phone calls!  Sick of it all as I'm certain you all feel the same. Let's stay positive.
Ok....so I've  changed my mind go ahead a grab yourself a drink....its all good.
On a happy note....my Christmas cactus is jumping the gun a bit and already in bloom!
I think it's confused but that's ok because it sure puts a smile on my face and makes me a happy girl! 
Something else that makes me smile are these beautiful flowers my husband gave me for our 51st Anniversary on Saturday. Wow! That's a long time together.
I am lucky and proud to have made it this long. After all we did get married in 69! I can't imagine my life without him. Ok...enough for this "sappiness".
Something else that makes me happy is this "happy mail" that I've been making.
It sure puts a smile on my face when I gather up all these pieces of patterned papper or pieces I have painted....scrapbook papers..ribbons, threads and anything else I come across. I hope that as my recipients get them it puts a smile on their faces as well.Here is a sneak peek of what's to hit the US Mail soon. Shhhh! Don't tell..I want them to be surprised.
As you see my time is made up of crafts....any sort of craft. My watercolors and brushes have been keeping me busy also. Making more cards. A friend has asked me to make a few sets of 6 that she can buy and give as gifts. Yeah! Sounds good to me. Here are some examples of my current cards.
I enjoyed working on these cards because these colors make me happy.
Another happiness is knitting hats to make some young folks very warm while playing outside this winter. Nice warm cabled knit hats with faux fir pompoms. When shopping around  for hats I noticed the sweet little leather tags that were attached. Hum! I can make them! And voila! 
As of now I've completed 7 hats...!
After editing this post I've decided I should have given it a different heading....
       "What makes me Happy....and puts a smile on my face!"
Thanks so much for being here you are much appreciated. I look forward to your comments....who knows you may find "happy mail" in your snail mail box!
A Bientot!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

It's that time again....and my omissions.

                                                         Hello! Bonjour!
Again I welcome you to my tiny place in the world. It's early so grab a seat and a coffee or tea for some of you and relax. Let me ramble while trying to give you a few chuckles.
Yes, it is that time of the year again where I grab my knitting needles and yarn and start on some new projects. It's all about hats right now and trying to diminish my stash. It's way too full! HEHEHE! That's according to you know who...not me! If you're a knitter you know it's  never enough....or you don't have the right color or weight. Plus I'm a very tactile person so if I see yarn or fabric and it feels really soft and squishy.....its in the cart! But i am doing my best at not buying anymore till this stash is down a bit. Hum!
Starting with this purple bulky wool....and turned out quite large. It'll be great for someone with loads of hair or a big head! Oops!
As i started this i also captured a shot of my all time favorite knit soxs. I devided and combined  leftover yarn into 2 balls and these are the results." Do they match?"  you ask. Hell no! What's the sense of knitting your own socks if they're not "original"! So have fun with them. 
These next hats are also from my stash. This one is called School Colors.
and this one is called Woolie Warm. Yes I used 2 strands of wool and size 13 ndl.
It will withstand a New England Snowstorm! 
Now on to my next one...another leftover ball of wool but with only 1 strand and #7 ndl. Cable Knit Cap. I've made this hat many times before and it fits nicely and snug. I enjoy doing cables. They're a bit intimidating at first but you have to jump right in. You say " but I don't have cable needles!" Not to worry cause I came across the same situation. I found a small dowel in my craft area....cut it tithe length I wanted, in this case 4" to 5" then ran it through my electric pencil sharpener on both ends. To smooth it out I rubbed it over my washable nail file/buffer. The soft ones that have afine grit and a course grit. Worked like a charm.
Here is my progress...should have it done today. My friend in Vt is knitting up hats as well and she's ordered faux fur pompoms for the hats so I'll do the same. Just call me copycat. 
So you know me...i can't be working on just one project. I'll give you a sneak peek but shh don't breathe a word because some people (friends, acquaintances,  followers or people that read and follow) this blog may find them in their mailbox. Happy Mail!

Let me just tell you how much fun I am having with this.....tell you more later,
So about my "omission". I was reminded that in my last post there was no mention of my favorite drink.
That's the flavor of the season....and oh my it's yummy. My gal pal Miss J enjoyed a taste together. Cheers!
So with that I bid you A Bientot!
Thanks again for being here...love you guys and remember I look forward to hearing from you.....comments always welcomed. 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Wait! It's OCTOBER already!!!

Have you been waiting long??! I've been away on search party trying to find my sanity....and I'm not convinced I found it...and here it is October! The air is crisp and the landscape is vibrant in colors of reds yellow gold orange and rust. Shades of greens and browns add to their warmth. I do live on the coast, southern Maine actually, and you don't associate the beaches with Fall colors. However when we glance towards the west we have a gorgeous view of the tops of inland trees. Beautiful sight!
I do like these warm colors...and like working with them....as in the pumpkins that i appliqued and imbroidered...hooked and needle felted.
This is a pumpkin I made with some beautiful velvet.
And also my pocket that is hung on my front door filled with twigs leaves and bittersweet. 
I really enjoyed hooking this. I'm about to start on another applique pattern. 
How about these pumpkins that were hand blown by the son of a dear friend.
Just beautiful wouldn't you say?
I recently read a news letter from a dear friend who owns a hooking studio. She's about to reopen for small classes....want to wish her the best with all that is going on. It is a great read...head on over to her site.
woolen pear. Also our hooking group over at Camp Wool has started up again with a maximum of 6 people. Unfortunately it's not in me yet to chance it not with the increases of the virus. Another Hooking retreat slated for January has been canceled. Things don't seem to be improving too much in fact they're looking pretty dim.
I noticed quite a few are reading this blog and I thank you so much for that. I also enjoy and encourage your comments.
No much to say so A Bientot for now.

Not Going to Over think it!

So much going on right now. Not really. Hello! Welcome! Happy you're here. I guess you could say I'm not a dedicated blogger..howeve...