Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Can it really be May already?

So friends sent me this to let me know that if MR would be gardening this weekend that they would be happy to help! How thoughtful are they! With that being said I really think the rhubarb is ready for picking.

Tuesday was our hooking group "The Wells Ruggers" and it was a fun filled afternoon. New faces joined us and regulars were in attendance. We had a "show and tell" of their many talents.
This rug is a David Galchutt design and hooked beautifully with many Assorted fibers ie.. wools, velvet,  Yarns, ribbons etc.

Here RR is explaining how and what fiber was used. 

Here is another David Galchutt design in the primary stages being hooked by another talented lady. NT...are you noticing the background with all the detail? Wow that's patience.  Do you also notice that she is including some "Waldoboro"?
Here you can see that L & J are happy to help display.

Here is a beauty that was hooked by JA and will be gifted. Now if I have this correct the strips used were 1/4". The detail is beautiful. It is ready for binding and then steam pressed before going to its new home.
Last but not least is another rug being hooked by RR. This is an original 
"Steam Punk" design. Love her face!

Thank you so much for your comments so drop me a note.
A Bientot. 

Sorry this is a short blog post...but I'll be back soon.

Friday, March 17, 2023

projects projects projects.

Another gorgeous sunset.  This one was a couple nights ago. Tonight is 6:38 and the sun has just set. Gotta love "Spring ahead ".
Yummy...i found a new favorite drink...Lemon drop martini. Oh my. Can't wait to introduce this one to friends.
Again I sort of slacked is Tuesday March 14th and we're in for some fowl weather...they are predicting 5" to 8" and it started first thing this morning. Wet wet snow and will continue into tonight. So what to do on a day like this? Hunker down, stay warm and listen to the 60s oldies and sort out some wool pennies.

Well here it is Fri. March 17th 
We sure got lucky with that storm. Really sort of passed us by. About 3" of wet heavy snow....but rain washed it away. I know some of my friends were not so lucky.
I decided it was time to clean and organize my crafting I started with fabric and "pennies". You know what happens next right!?
That's right....

Yes, while I have these out I'm thinking I would plan a penny mat for my side table. We purchased a new love seat, chair and ottoman so these colors would blend well. I definitely need to stay away from Instagram. Check out @pennyrugsandmore as well as @susangonzalesdesigns. Very cool sites.

Beautiful day for a walk on the beach...a bit windy but the sun sure felt good.

Just finishing up the stitching on my granddaughters jean skirt.
I sure hope she likes it. 

Now for something of interest if you're into hand stitching like myself. I love to hand stitch random scraps of fabric. A while back I purchased painters dropcloth 7ft x I use it for so much. I cut pieces add paint and do some stitching. 
Check out @pam_blasko_dreamcometruefarm 
She designed some really cute rubberstamps to use with paint (that should come in the mail soon) and I hope to show you what I've made.
She just introduced me to Asemic Stitching.
It reminds me of writing shorthand....but with thread. Interesting right?

That's it for now...give me a jingle if you were here...I love your feed back.

Asemic Writing

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Yes I'm back with some exciting news!

Good Day..
What a beautiful sunset inspite of all this snow we're experiencing. 
I hope you will be as thrilled as I was with the creativity of my friends.
The challenge pieces have returned.
Take a look at Cathy's better known as (acorn Hollow blog)

I do believe she's thinking of spring. 
The bird and the flower and butterfly and the bea! 
I love the whole piece and how she added the geometric fabric to make the birds body...then to add the lace. Wow! She never gives herself enough credit as she claims she's not creative.  Wrong! So much thought went into her piece. 

The next piece belongs to my Vermont peep.
Looks like she also was thinking of spring and mating season.
How cute is this bird in the nest with her new downy feathers!
The musical notes in the fabric and the embroidered notes.
It all comes together well. And those sweet.
Again I must say this is so creative.
Now this next one is mine...and I must say I had no pre-planning.
I sort of layed out my pieces and started cutting them.
I think subconsciously I too was thinking of spring with flowers  popping up.
The white represents the snow...the bottom the ground partially covered with signs of our fall peaking through. The musical notes of happiness that spring is around the corner.
The next is my NY peep.
I have to say she went a bit further. She made this needle book and sent it to me with a note that said "Do not  open till Wednesday"! What!!! I can not have an unopened package around! Yup...I opened it.
Starting with the cover...
What a creative friend....and what great use of ALL the pieces.
A place for my scisors, different size needles.,
How clever to add a ledge for the needles to rest on.
A place for pins. She also added flowers and even a few beads.
The back page of the book with a pocket and a heart.
This is music to my ears.
You can see that I am surrounded by creativeness.
I hope you enjoyed this post...
Please drop me your comment. Would love to hear from you.
If any of you are interested in joining our stitch challenge give me a shout. 

Monday, February 27, 2023

another great week!

Hi there friends thanks for stopping by.
I just love this quote very true.
And I do have a few...i am blessed to have them in my life.
Here is my post card size hooking and we still have decorations up at our hooking group.

We had a group of students come to visit and give us all a long stem carnation.
How sweet and thoughtful.

In my last post I spoke of my fellow hooker who had a Valentine Tree.
Well I recently found another friend who adds seasonal decorations to a tree that stays up year round.
Yes she is a friend (right Corinne?) and a former classmate.
I think she'll be adding new bobbles for the next holiday...and i am quite anxious to see what she does next....stay tuned.
Very pretty.

Here are a few pics captured at our hooking group.
We are now known as "The Wells Ruggers"
A catchy name don't you think?

Here are a few  WIP's our hookers are working on.
Mim is doing a fabulous job on this lilly pad. The colours are gorgeous.

this next WIP is nearly complete only needs a couple more rows in the corners.
I am in awe of this hooker's works with #3 cut..ans so beautifully executed.
Just wonderful. Great job Brenda.
Yes, along with my 4 multi talented friends I have chalenged them to a mindless stitching project.
We all have the same fabric pieces that we are to use.
No Theme...just decide our own.
Fabric; Use all or just a few in any shape or form.
Embellishments are accepted .
They are to be completed the end of February.
I can't wait to see what they create.
Stay tuned so you can see their projects.
Here is a pic of the fabric pack I sent.

Mr M and I have been busy. Over the weekend we got to see our grandson play in a tournament basketball game. They won the game on Saturday but lost on Sunday. Those poor kids played their hearts out. Farmington ....haven't been there in years but has not changed.

This is what we drove through on our way back.

I also got to attend a cheering competition our grandaughter was in.
Great job ladies. 3rd place.
Well gotta run...getting ready for another snow day coming tomorrow.
Stay warm, stay safe..till the next time.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

A continuation......

Good Morning! How could I possibly forget what I had intended to blog about!
Perhaps it was due to the martini!
Nonetheless Valentines Day is right around the corner and I want to give you a peek into a friend's festive decorations.

Yes, my friend Jeni has this lovely Valentine tree. How creative is she. I would never have thought of it but now my head is spinning with ideas....aren't you?

Would you take a piece of chocolate from this butler? Not the friendliest fellow...but heck ya! After all it is chocolate. He has his boots on, he must have just come in from the snow. Hope he does not get that beautiful rug wet. ♡♡
This rug is an example of her creations. As an avid "hooker" Jeni designed and hooked this rug herself. The writing with the background color is gorgeous. Well, what else can I say? I think everything about this picture great.
 That's it for now....hope you enjoyed this. If so...I may try to feature other rugs and designers in my next post.
Let me know what you think.
Till the next time.......

Monday, January 30, 2023

What?! A Valentine tree?!

Welcome my blog reading friends. Grab a drink and get comfy,
coffee, tea or martini! Huh! See how I did that!

So I've recently returned from a rug hooking retreat in Freeport, Maine.
It was held at the Hilton Garden. What a wonderful venue. We worked together in this great banquet room. I got to re-unite with some old friends and meet new ones. Our Fearless Leader..."Queen Nancy" did a fantastic job of organizing it and all aspects of this gathering was perfect. Gifts were exchanged as well as door prizes given daily. 
(Gift Certificates to LL. Bean) and complimentary drinks. 
Below is the rug that Nancy is working on.
It includes "Waldoboro style" techniques. I is coming along beautifully.

 This cute witch is quite sparkly.

Lovely cabin in the woods..

Did you notice those 2 are the same pattern but hooked very differently.

This lovely piece is also done in waldoboro style also.
So as you can see I was among some extremely talented rug-hookers.
This is what i was facing when ready to head home....oh how beautiful was the ride home. 14* with very heavy snow blanketing the trees.

It was a wonderful few days.  Looking forward to our next year's retreat but
Now back to reality!

I was scheduled for a root-canal that I was myself all worked up.
Wow! I was all went rather smooth. I was the problem.
Over the weekend we were able to have happy hour with our friendly neighbors.
Great time and lots of laughs.

Well I hope you enjoyed this little showing of these beautiful rugs.

Let me know if you were here....I appreciate your comments.

A Bientot.

Not Going to Over think it!

So much going on right now. Not really. Hello! Welcome! Happy you're here. I guess you could say I'm not a dedicated blogger..howeve...