Sunday, July 27, 2014

so much going on.......

I can't believe its been so long since my last post but as you'll see
I've been busy.
Sunsets have been stunning and we've had some great weather.
I finally got to bring the little ones over to the sand bar.
They really enjoyed it and jumped right in.
I can't wait till they come back so we can go back.

 I feel so bad when i watch the renters on their last day of vacation.
the 4 boys are always so sad....but now they can look forward to next year.
The 4th has come and gone and i never did wish you all a good one.
So better late than never.
Happy 4th of July.

This summer we had a first here at the cottage.
Last week we had a couple renew their vows here in the back yard.
It was a surprise to everyone....
they had a beautiful day.
Kids playing in the pool...thats what I like to call it.
I love watching the kids playing in this mud..
they always have such a good time.

 This is t for now....I'll try to be back sooner next time.
Thank you all for reading my posts and for you my followers.

Till we meet again...........a bientot.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

A very special weekend.......

A Hookers Dream!

There certainly was a lot of Hype leading up to the 
Secret Hookers Weekend
and I am happy to report that it was every bit as enjoyable as I thought.
Having met Cathy of only a few times (she is Family)
and never meeting Kim of 
we sure hit it off.
(And no she was NO danger to us at all)
We had a great time with lots of laughs, lots of wool talk and lots of food and wine.

This is a picture of our first introduction.
I'm not sure but I think this could be the beginning of a long friendship.
We started the weekend with a few nibbles of cheese and crackers
and opened our first bottle of wine.
Then we were off to the down at the harbor
for some seafood.
Clam chowdah, lobstah rolls and scallops. Yummm.

The following day we started our wool trek at 
Cathy Spellacy the owner was thrilled to meet new fellow hookers from
Nova Scotia and Northern NH. She showed us some antique rugs that she had
and one was hooked with JUTE.
That's right....I've never seen that before and I can"t imagine how hard 
that was on the hands. Very interesting.
Next was a stop at for some gourmet foods.
Always fun to try their samplings.

Here is Kim and Cathy standing under the wisteria.
Their gardens are just beautiful
Our 3rd stop was over to over in Kennebunk, Me.

Lots and lots going on in that little shop!
Again the store attendant was thrilled to meet my new friends and have us visitng.
Well.....ok....I must admit it was mostly about Kim especially when
she found out she was from Nova Scotia. 
It was then that we told her about our very special GIFT and that set her off!
That's right..we are special!!!
Kim brought us a one of a kind....hand drawn....original
Deanne Fitzgerald from pattern
drawn exclusively for the three of us.
Now I call that pretty darn special.
It has 3 ladies hooking, with wool in hand and cocktail glass.
It is fabulous.
Thank You again so much Kim,
that was so thoughtful of you.
4th stop was to in Arundel Me. I go in there quite often
so we all got a huge welcome from Guillian and Gloria.
Here we did a little more 
boasting about our "gift" and the girls were so excited. they are dying to see it.
Well, maybe I'll bring it in at some point.

5th stop and My final legg of this trip was Lunch.
Now where would you think that 3 Hookers would go for eats?
That's right...a biker 
Cathy and I had the best lobster BLT ever and Kim had the Fish and Chips.
What a fun place...with a hog that one could ride and lots of Victoria Secret merchandise
hanging from the rafters.
Again lots of laughs.

The following morning was time to say Good Bye to my new friends.
Cathy was off with Kim to Dorr Mill woolens in NH...Cathy back home
and Kim was headed to Vermont to visit with family.
It was a short visit but hope that future visits are longer and become an annual thing.

I am hoping that Cathy and I get the chance tom spend a little more time together. 
Though she has been family for years now we just never got the chance to connect
and boy is that ever my loss. What a lovely lady.
Summer is coming and maybe we can catch up again when she's in Maine.

Thank you ladies for the lovely all the wool and other goodies
It has been such a pleasure
As for you readers I hope I have not bored the crap out of you.
Hope you'll all be hearing from you.

till we meet again.................................

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

I would first like to take this time to thank all the men and women who put their lives on the line so that we could be free. Most importantly a huge Thank you to my husband.

I found this great wine at Trader Joe's and  has become my
I'm a sort of sweet white wine person.
This is a Lambrusco and so delicious. So that is how I decided to celebrate today.
(Perhaps just in training for this coming!)

This past week I went to Sebago Lake Rug School with a new "Hooker" friend.
I really enjoyed it and look forward to actually attending one myself and taking classes.
Some of the teachers were Sarah Guiliani, Lois Dugal, Diane Stoffel, 
Betty McClintic and Martha Beals. Gail Walden.
I was just astonished by the talent. I wonder if I will ever get to be that accomplished.
I'm not taking classes right now because things are too hectic in the summer but will 
return in September. 
I also found this picture that I really like and maybe do a hooking with this inspiration.

How beautiful is this? I have a new friend coming down to visit this weekend along with my cousin.
I'm so looking forward to meeting her and having a girls weekend.
Lots of gabbing, eating, hooking, some wool shopping and just plain ole
I'm pretty sure there will be lots of laughs as well.
I hope to have pictures and stories for you in my next post.

Enjoy your week and Thanks again for being here with me.
Don't forget I enjoy your comments.

Till we meet again.....A Bientot.

Monday, March 31, 2014

totally motivated....

Happy Monday!
I'm back and ready get you up-to-date on my doings.

Not sure if I posted the finished mat I made. Self design.
I think I can use this as an ipad i need to made a back.

Also finished my gift from my Hooking Instructor 
This little Snowman is so darn cute.
She gave this out to everyone in her classes and are 
now being shown.
I've seen 3 of them now and am surprised at how different they are.
When all of them are complete I'll have more pictures for you.

Another of my self designs...only had a small piece of foundation fabric so I
decided to do a little mat for the side table.
My Easter Bunny.

This one is called "My Heart Belongs to You?
and the reason for that name is that i included the initials of
my grandkids in the background. AVOAV!

I attended my 2nd Hook-In in Westford Ma. and these are only a couple
of the rugs on display.

Here are just a few of the rugs on display.

Fellow Hooker Janet

Another by Janet

I don't know the name of this woman but I had to take this as she was hooking with a feather type yarn
Simply gorgeous.

This bag was done by Rose Raymond (do check her out)

Angela Foote

I just love this pattern.

Yippee! I am so excited and very motivated. I just purchased
a wool cutter. A Bliss Model A. I love it. I've been cutting up a storm
and now using a # 4 cut. 
I think I've also made a new Hooking friend..Kelly Rolfe and she has some really cute patterns.
Check her out....she has a FB page as well as Pinterest..

A very special Thank You to Kelly..

Enough for now......a bientot...till we meet again.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Snow day AGAIN!

Now with a show of hands...
Who is tired of Winter?
Ooops...I think I see someone back there who
has NOT raised their hand!
Must be a skier, hope he's enjoying this
cause he seems to be alone.

My hooking class has been canceled and so disappointed.
This class has been so enjoyable
and really like the new people I've met.
I think I told you that Miss Sarah Guiliani is the Instructor.
For you ladies out there that hook...if you ever see her name
mentioned be it at a hook-in or seminar or whatever
do yourself a favor and sign up for one of her classes.
I promise you you won't be disappointed...

My IT guy was just here helping me with this blog
because once again this program locks up when I try to download
pictures...and even he is baffled....but thanks so much for trying Tony.

Don't loose faith in me though.
Sure hope you'll continue to follow and read my blog.

Almost finished with my Snowman...and now I have
an extra week to bring it in.....BUT...that also
means the rest of the class has also.
I really want to win 2nd place..
Thanks Miss Sarah.

Gotta run.....a bientot..

read me......comment me
love hearing from you.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Again so frustrated!

I guess I could start off by complaining about yet another snow day....that's's snowing again and now the snow has come up to above my front window. But I'm not going to do that. Instead I'm going to whine about how I always have such a hard time with uploading pictures to this blog. I did finish my "fun trees" rug by Angela Foote but can't get it up. I had such a good time working on it. Those colors really make me happy. I'm also in the midst of taking classes from Sarah Guiliani from New England Rug Hooking Studio and am so enjoying it. I'll be doing more with color and giving more depth and dimension to my patterns and working with smaller cuts. I am so motivated right now. I love it. But I will close right now as I'm still dealing with this cold and ready to hit the sack. I hope that when I get back to this I'll be better at getting some pictures up. Thursday is our next ruggers meeting and looking forward to it. I hope to have more to report Till then.....stay warm.....and for you hookers..keep up the good work.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Found........but not lost!

I know this is a bit silly but its been driving me crazy!
I had this picture of the completed
 Father Christmas
hooking that I really wanted to show you.
As you can figure I'm a bit computer illiterate.
For some reason I just could not find it in "my pictures".
ANYHOW.......enough about it.
I sure would like your comments here.....what do you think of how I
finished it?
I've since rolled the foundation back and sewed it down.
I've made a wall hanging out of it.
It was intended as a pillow but didn't have wool large
enough to make the back.
Thanks for sticking with me......hope to hear from you... know who you are!
That's all I've got for tonight...hope to be back soon.
Till then...A Bientot!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

As you can see we've added a new member to our family.
Such a cutie and the biggest cheeks we've ever seen.
Here is one of her "big" sisters. I can tell she's going to be a big help
to Daddy!
Mom is doing well also. Fortunately Miss Viv is quite
the snuggler.
I haven't been around much because my sewing machine was taking
up all my time.
The girls all got 18" dolls for Christmas so I had to get
busy sewing up clothes for them.
Winter Capes were my patterns of choice as well as hats
to go with them.
I was at the Dollar Store at one point and found these cute little
bags that were intended for "gift cards" and thought they would be
perfect as a purse for the dolls.
Once I got going I also decided to add a little "bling" to their
I think they were a hit.
Since I had made the red corduroy skirts for the older girls I thought
the dolls should also have them and decided to
add the blouses.
The party dress goes with the red cape.

Christmas is splitting time between both families. So Hubby and I spent the night at daughter & son-in-laws and were able to see the little ones
open their presents in the morning.
Actually the best part was the kids jumping into bed with us to tell us
Santa had come!!!!
And that he did......son-in-law made this beautiful dress-up rack
for the Princess of the house! She loved it! 

The next big hit was the air hockey table!
The game is on between the Princess and the Jock!
Gotta love Christmas !
The rest of the day was spent with the kids in Ma. and unfortunately
I never got around to taking pictures.
The kids took up most of our time.
My thoughts and prayers go out to my "friends" that are battling health
problems and to those caring for them.
I hope that 2014 brings health and happiness to you.
p.s.....I did complete Father Christmas (my last hooking project)
but for some reason I can't seem to get  it uploaded here.
Will try again later.
Till we meet again.................
A bientot!
and I look forward to your "comments. 

Not Going to Over think it!

So much going on right now. Not really. Hello! Welcome! Happy you're here. I guess you could say I'm not a dedicated blogger..howeve...