Monday, April 13, 2020

Giving It A Rest!!!

Yes, i'm giving Miss Pfaff a rest...she's been running pretty much non stop these past couple of days. I could hear her start to "groan" and i know what was coming next.  She would be quite defiant and just stop. So before tgat happens...gonna give her some much needed time off. Shh....nite nite.
I will return to you not fret.
After some sort of organization i decided its time to jump on the Hooker train. We've not had our Friday Hooker's group so i need to get going on my risers. 
"Coastal Stars and Stripes" and
"Under Sea Horses" 
I've completed 2 of them and now working on a couple more.
I feel i should call the top one "Jaws " and the other "Sheep on the Beach". 
All my gratitude goes to a very special friend who designed them for me. I love each and every one of them...12 in all! Wow! I have my work cut out for me.
 A belated Joyeux Paques! to you and your families. A very quiet one indeed.
Still doing our best to keep everything as germ/virus proof as possible. Like all of you i pray this ends soon. I am so anxious to wrap my arms around all my son and daughter and "J" and of course be with my "Woolie" friends again.
With that said Thank You so much for being here today. I appreciate your visit and look forward to your comments. ♥️
A Biento...and stay safe!😷

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, Love the stair rugs. Great colors. I sure am missing everyone. John is home working and I'm sure glad he's here, but I miss my "woolies". Keep up the beautiful painting you've been doing. The cards are gorgeous! Have a good day. Hang in your back yard and enjoy!


Hearts all around with lots of LOVE.

Happy Day to you all! I'm a bit late with these wishes.... hope your day was sweet. Hubby still not up and about much so when I was out ...